Meet Michelle K,

a Psychology student at Kennesaw State University, who finds inspiration in the natural art created by the world around us. She is driven by a curiosity about those who inhabit this planet, while also exploring the intricate connection between art and the human mind through academic study and personal observation.

How it Started

The paintbrush has always had a personality of its own. At age six, I would sit and wonder what the canvas wanted to tell me; letting the paintbrush be our mediator. As we grew older, our conversations did as well. We got into disagreements, arguments, and philosophical debates. Until one day, I challenged the canvas to a think-off. “Where did you come from…truly?” I would ask the painting. And so, I scavenged the minds of many for the answer.

Art has always been a powerful medium for self-expression, liberation, and creativity. Throughout my search, I saw a fascinating connection between the mind and the canvas; a bridge between science and art. Art History told me that art has been and always will be a critical part of the storytelling of the human experience. Biology told me that creativity is and always will be the key to adaptation and successful human survival. Psychology is the merriment of the two: explaining the cognitive behavior of why we human and how we human.

On the side, I would bring these explanations to the canvas, where my friends wanted in on the discussion. That is when I held my first Painting Party. Seeing a group of logical thinkers, doctors, and self-diagnosed non-artists deny themselves to a creative act, established the belief that everyone possesses an innate sense of artistry in their minds: manifesting in various aspects of their lives.

Eventually, I would take what I learned and integrate the insights into the art nights with my friends. Encouraged by the positive feedback, I began to offer these creative sessions to friends of friends and coworkers, and now, you: fostering a space for wonder, imagination, and mindfulness. Through the mindful strokes of a paintbrush, individuals can find inspiration from within the complexities of daily life, embracing the joy of creation and self-expression.

The origins of the Painting Parties are rooted in a fusion of fascination with biology, art, and the mind-body connection. Through a transformative journey of worldly curiosity, we as a group get to recognize the inherent artist within and share the joy of art and neuroscience with the world.

Today, the Painting Party business reminds us of the creativity, mindfulness, and the rekindling of the inner child; welcoming all to dip their brushes into the colorful realm of imagination. So, here is my formal invitation to join me in the discovery of what your canvas has to say.

“Creativity is Intelligence having fun.”

-Albert Einstein